A little about me

Creative Artist | Writer | Content Creator | Meme Expert

I have been writing and drawing for my whole life and as a kid, I took great care in weaving stories about mysterious, magical cat societies, ancient mystical artifacts, and the chaotic romances between all-powerful gods. Whatever the idea, I was always trying to convey a story or world to some unknown reader.

My studies began at Adelaide College of the ARTs, Flinders University, and CDW Studios in order to find my calling. Drawing? Writing? Design? It wasn't until I tried doing both, that I truly began to realise how much I could do!

In 2020, authored and illustrated 'Omens', a dark fantasy comic on WebTOON. I soon discovered my love for social media marketing and creative direction while studying my Master of Communication and stumbled, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, into Yesterday's Tech - a retro-gaming brand that was taking the scene by storm!

After 4 awesome years helping to build a brand, connecting with the largest retro-gaming businesses in the world and even indie gaming studios like Incube8 Games, I found myself whisked back to my childhood as the current Social Media Coordinator for Neopets - yes, that Neopets! In my current role, I am tasked with developing creative and strategic social media marketing campaigns, creating fun copy and graphic design, and even took the initiative to create three new official characters with support from our art and narrative leads to use on our socials.

At my core, my passion lies in storytelling and connecting with audiences. I love starting with an idea or a spark, and seeing a vision come to its final form (yes - that was a dbz joke).

- Kelsey